Since China is starting to outsource manufacturing products to other countries, how will “Made in China 2025” hold up?

“China has focused its efforts on outsourcing low-tech products to manufacture technological products, in the recent years; that are no longer affordable in China.”

“Technologies that will be outsourced by the year 2025”?

  1. Electric cars
  2. Semiconductor
  3. Airplanes
  4. Medical devices
  5. Robotics

Examples of implementing advanced technology in China factories:

Bosch Automotive (Wuxi, China): “Optimizing competitiveness competitiveness” By implementing an “order-to-make” product customization platform and using remote AI, the factory is able to predict maintenance needs before they occur.

Siemens Industrial Automation Products (Chengdu, China): “3D simulated production line optimization” — Using 3D simulation, augmented reality and other techniques to perfect the design and operations of its factory, employees helped increase output by 300% and reduced cycle time.

Haier (Qingdao, China): “Customer-centric technologies” — Artificial Intelligence- led transformations to include an “order-to-make” product customization platform and the use of remote AI, helpings the factory to predict maintenance needs before they happen.